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March 2019

Newsletter Archives

PMIGLC’s Volunteer Spotlight Honoree of the Month, Dr. Ronald Papa!


Dr. Papa is our current past President, 2019. He is employed by FCA as a Technical Product Owner. Mr. Papa has over 2 decades of IT Project Management, Support, and Risk Management experience. Dr. Ron Papa is a certified PMP, has a PhD in Management Information Systems, serves as an adjunct instructor for Baker College, and currently teaches Project Management at Oakland University. Wow!More Importantly, Dr. Papa has served and volunteered as PMIGLC President and other vital roles within the chapter, which has led to understanding our members and their needs. Dr. Papa’s powerful leadership and listening skills put PMIGLC on the map to hire volunteers in a variety of talent, which is rapidly growing. Dr. Papa contributes the PMIGLC volunteer experience prepared him for dynamic leadership roles, like hosting the 2019 PMI Region 4 LIM event. He states the PMIGLC experience is inspiring because his growth for opportunities are limitless. Dr. Papa, Congratulations for being our PMIGLC Volunteer Spotlight of the Month. You Rock!

Monthly Meeting & Networking Forum

April Monthly Dinner Meeting

All of us are hit with a large number of distractions every single day, every single hour of work. There are multiple information sources that compete for our attention, e.g. work email, personal email, phone calls, text, LinkedIn, Social Media, News, Professional and subject matter updates, Amazon shopping, Banking, wild goose chases on Google…

How do we keep our heads up in this deluge of information and keep on ticking, maintaining our focus? What are some of tips and techniques, and tools we can use in this area?

This will not be a conventional presentation; it is planned as an interactive session with ideas solicited from the audience. Together, we can come up with some practical suggestions we can implement in our lives that makes all our lives easier.

In addition, the presenter would like to recruit some volunteers to serve as panelists (If you are interested in serving as a panelist, please get in touch with the presenter rkattil@gmail.com ).


  1. Tips on planning your day
  2. Tips on focussing on work and avoiding distractions
  3. Tips on managing email

Professional Development Opportunities

Spring Symposium 2019 ⋅ "Project Managers as Champions of Change"

Friday, April 26, 2019 • 8 AM - 5 PM 

The PMIGLC 2019 Spring Symposium “Project Managers as Champions of Change” is an educational and networking forum that provides a platform for the best minds in academia and industry to share the latest developments and advancements in the field of project management. The offerings this year include keynote speakers and a choice of presentations covering various topics. Previous Symposiums have been highly successful sold out events with management practitioners attending from numerous Midwestern states and Canada.

Take advantage of earlybird pricing!
PMI & PMIGLC Members: $275USD
Non-Members: $345 USD 

PMP®/ CAPM® Certification Exam Prep Classes - Spring 2019 - Southfield

Saturdays, April 6, 13, 27 and May 4  ⋅ 8 am - 4 pm

A four-day, Instructor led, classroom setting PMP® exam preparation course designed to meet the training needs of those wishing to prepare for PMI’s PMP® or CAPM® Certification Exams

The objective of this course is to help the participants gain a level of competency required to pass the PMP® and CAPM® and certification exam through a review of the concepts and terminology covered in the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).

  • Participants will earn 35 hours of education toward PMI’s exam prerequisite.
  • Training is based on the PMP Exam Prep textbook by Joseph Phillips 4th Edition (Based on the Sixth edition of PMBOK).
  • Includes the Joseph Phillips textbook, practice questions and quizzes.

The courses are led by PMP® certified experts working in the field of project management.


Moylan’s Mulligans for March 2019

Time Management Tips for Champions of Change

There is a saying that, “nothing changes, if nothing changes.” How can you be a champion of change, as the PMIGLC 2019 Spring Symposium theme encourages you to do, if you don’t manage your time and priorities well? You can’t. Nor can you volunteer your time and talents to non-profit organizations as Dr. Bill and I have been encouraging you to do.

For this reason, in this article, I will focus on time management tips that will help you focus on the people and issues that matter most!

Time Management Tips

  1. Focus on one task at a time. Do it well, then switch to another task. Multitasking is a myth.
  2. Create a prioritized "to do" list the night before. Focus on the top three items that need to be completed. Leave room in your day for the unexpected.
  3. Constantly ask yourself, "Is this the best use of my time?" Understand your circadian rhythm (body clock). Know during what time of day you have your most energy. Work on your most challenging tasks/projects at that time. Brian Tracy, author of "Eat That Frog" says do that hard thing first and get it over with. Imagine how you will feel when that item is off your plate!
  4. Create a time log and evaluate how you are spending your day. You might be surprised by how often you are interrupted or distracted.
  5. Make a plan to accomplish your tasks and goals. Then follow it. Remember to break your project down into bite-sized pieces to avoid feeling overwhelmed. A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a valuable tool to use, so use it.
  6. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Be willing to delegate when possible.
  7. Use Mind Mapping to get all of those ideas out of your head and onto paper.

Reframe Your Life in 5 Seconds

“Reframe Your Life in 5 Seconds” is the title of an article in the March 2019 Toastmaster Magazine. In the article, Mel Robbins shares the 5-second rule that she says can have a profound impact on your productivity and your life. Per Robbins, “neuroscientists have found that people have about a five second gap between a stimulus and the way they respond to it. It’s within that gap that you have the power to change your life.” Here’s how it works. As soon as you make a decision to do something, count backwards from 5 to 1, then immediately take action. Your brain will become more wired for action as you continue this practice!

Your Turn

I have noted several tips and techniques you can use to manage your time and life more effectively. What you do will be up to you. I hope you decide to lead an impactful life by understanding your values and mastering your time to accomplish your goals. I hope you decide to be a champion, in 5-4-3-2-1! Now go!

For more information, contact me at Lisa@LisaHarveyRoach.com.

Lisa Harvey Roach, MM, PMP, ACS, ALB
PMIGLC Ambassador to Toastmasters


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