Monthly Meeting & Networking Forum
Monthly Dinner Meeting - Virtual Only
May 11 ⋅ 6 pm - 7 pm
If you are like most people, you dislike going into that meeting when you have to be the bearer of bad news: That your scope, schedule or budget has slipped. Or have an uneasy feeling in your stomach when you have to face a tough sponsor or customer to negotiate concessions. You look around you and can see some people can do this effortlessly, and wonder why you were not blessed so.
Note: The registration deadline for 2020 monthly meetings has changed to noon on the Wednesday prior to the meeting. Professional Development Opportunities
Free Webinar "Leading Virtual Teams with the NO LIMITS Approach"
April 30 ⋅ 11:00 am The Internet and the practice of outsourcing work have been the main ingredients for the use of virtual distributed teams. No longer can a project team always be co-located in order to improve expediting a project! After years of experience with virtual groups and teams, Dr. Moylan will demonstrate a range of positive techniques and tools to keep a virtual team on track, on schedule and on budget. The techniques shown will range from the use enterprise-wide impact tools to subtle interpersonal strategies that a project manager may use to have a successful virtual and/or distributed team project.To reinforce these concepts for presentation participants the authors will be using a N.O. L.I.M.I.T.S. approach to the material which includes:· Nurturing: Bringing team members up to speed, Encouraging Excellence· Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Keeping team members engaged, Stopping the Second-Class Status of a Virtual Project· Leadership: Sharing Responsibility, Keeping Control· Interests: Understanding the Needs of the Team Members, Aligning Expertise with the Project· Mind Reading: Laying Out Everything Ahead of Time, Brainstorming to Brainstorm· Individualized Recognition & Attention: Pay Close Attention to Team Members Actions, Timeliness· Tools: Internet Sites, Intranet Sites, Enterprise / Commercial, Free/Low Cost· Subject Matter Experts: Their Role, Their ValueLeading virtual teams is a very important skill for the modern project manager to master, a scenario and role that all EMU students will very likely encounter. In today’s COVID-19 charged environment, everyone is now in the virtual team setting and can benefit from taking a NO LIMITS approach.
Note: this is not a PMIGLC sponsored activity. Attendees will need to self-report their PDUs.
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 892 405 970Password: 187921
2020 PMP® Prep Classes
Saturdays, May 9, 16, 23 and June 6 ⋅ 7:30 am - 5 pm
A four-day, instructor led, classroom setting PMP® exam preparation course designed to meet the training needs of those wishing to prepare for PMI’s PMP®or CAPM® certification exams.
The objective of this course is to help participants gain a level of competency required to pass the PMP® and CAPM® certification exam through a review of the concepts and terminology covered in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). View more details and the 2020 schedule.
PMIGLC Happy Hour
May 20 ⋅ 5 - 7:30 pm
Take a break to mix and mingle with PMIGLC friends and colleagues! The May Happy Hour is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, May 20 at Mex in Bloomfield Hills.
Annual Golf Outing
August 22 The Annual Golf Outing is tentatively planned for Saturday, August 22 at Sylvan Glen Golf Course in Troy. More details on cost and schedule will be published as they become available. Important Changes to PMP Exam & ATP Program TimelineImportant Changes to PMP Exam & ATP Program TimelinePMI is committed to the safety and well-being of our global community. Our Crisis Task Force is monitoring the situation arising from coronavirus (COVID-19) daily. We are taking additional steps to ensure the safety of our customers, and meet their needs. As a result, we made the following important decisions:
Extending the current PMP exam to 31 December 2020 and delaying the launch of the new PMP exam until 2 January 2021
Automatically extending all candidates’ exam eligibility (for all certifications - not just the PMP) through 18 January 2021
Delaying the opening of our Authorized Training Partner program application, originally scheduled for 19 March 2020
Chapter Update
PMIGLC is Sponsoring an Academic Scholarship up to US $2,500
In order to be considered eligible for this scholarship, applicants must be enrolled in or applying for an accredited two-year associate's degree, four year bachelor's degree, or master's, or doctoral program. This scholarship will be granted for work toward an associate's, bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree in project management or a related field benefiting from project management, with the following order of priority:
A member of the PMI Great Lakes Chapter or an immediate family member (including spouse, children, stepchildren and grandchildren) attending or planning to attend any accredited college or university.
An individual living in Michigan or surrounding states (Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota or Wisconsin) attending or planning to attend an accredited college or university program anywhere.
Any individual attending or planning to attend an accredited college or university program in USA.
Learn more about the Scholarship Criteria.Read the Application FAQsView the Applicant Guide
Moylan’s Mulligans Using Organizational Change Management to Improve Adoption and Success of Projects
As project professionals, we are in the business of change.Helping to prepare people for change does not have to be confusing and hard. Identifying the change and helping those involved to get ready not only increases success, but it also adds to the bottom line as our change is adopted more quickly. Download the article
Moylan’s Mulligans article for April 2020Using Organizational Change Management to Improve Adoption andSuccess of ProjectsBy April Callis-Birchmeier PMP, CCMP
As project professionals, we are in the business of change.
Helping to prepare people for change does not have to be confusing and hard. Identifyingthe change and helping those involved to get ready not only increases success, but it alsoadds to the bottom line as our change is adopted more quickly.
Change can be technological, involving a computer system or upgrade; programmatic, suchas the introduction of a new health care program; or cultural, like merging two companiesor departments into one. The growing recognition that Organizational Change Management(OCM) is an important and necessary component to implement projects and changessuccessfully has increased the demand for an organized approach to change.
Using OCM helps people adapt to a new way of working or adopt a new system. The changeis more successful, less stressful and those involved return to being productive quickerthan if we do not use a thoughtful approach. OCM used to be considered a “nice-to-have”component of a project, but it has become apparent is that change management is a “musthave”to ensure the people side of change is recognized.
After beginning my career in training and development, I pursued a master’s degree incommunications. I discovered that I loved working with leaders to further develop theirmanagement skills, which included crafting messages and stories to engage and enlistothers in pursuit of a vision or goal. In working with leaders, I would often facilitatesessions to help redesign processes. I was able to use my training and communication skillsto help my clients identify why a process was not working and redesign through acollaborative approach.
I had not heard the term Organizational Change Management until I was offered a role as achange management lead for a large project. When the team described the role ascommunications, training and process redesign, I knew I had found my niche. I began tolearn all I could about change management. I attended conferences, trainings, and seminarsand voraciously read books by change management leaders like John Kotter and DarylConner. I quickly learned that the success of any change is measured through businessresults and outcomes. A question to ask is “What percentage of the success of this projectwill be determined by the acceptance and use of the change by the business?”
The goal of OCM is to help stakeholders adopt and use the change to benefit theorganization. The benefits of change vary with the project and are usually identified byleadership as the reason to pursue change. Benefits may be described as positive financialoutcomes, productivity improvements, integration of multiple systems, or enhanced userexperience. This means that if we know what we expect as an outcome and if we can helpothers change the way they do things to meet that outcome, our change is successful.
More than two decades after my first change management role, I still use the skills Ideveloped during that project. I’ve been experimenting, defining, and refining how toprovide an understandable and easy-to-follow approach to help people prepare for andadopt change. The results of my desire to make implementations ̶ particularly technologyprojects ̶ easier and more productive and to get the business back to business has led meto create a new framework for change, the READY-Set-Change Model.
As a Project Management Professional, having a simple way to implement change makessense. Stay tuned over the next few months for more information about this frameworkand how to apply it to your change initiative.
April Callis-Birchmeier PMP, CCMP is an organizational change expert, keynote speaker andauthor of the bestselling READY, Set, Change! Simplify and Accelerate Organizational Change.In addition to doing her best to change the way we help people change, she loves to split woodand tend to her 11 chickens. www.aprilcallisbirchmeier.comPMIGLC 2020 Election - Electronic Ballot has been SentOn September 23, you should have received an email with a link to the PMIGLC 2020 Election electronic ballot. This was sent to all chapter members. If you have not yet voted for the three open board positions, please do so as our election ends on Tuesday, October 15.PMIGLC Recognized for Chapter Member SatisfactionDuring the PMI annual Leadership Institute Meeting, the Great Lakes Chapter was recognized for a Chapter Member Satisfaction result score of 76%. We are grateful for this award and we will continue to strive for 100%. We would like to thank our many volunteers some of which are pictured below and all our 2,000+ chapter members.
Chapter Update
PMIGLC 2020 Election - Electronic Ballot has been SentOn September 23, you should have received an email with a link to the PMIGLC 2020 Election electronic ballot. This was sent to all chapter members. If you have not yet voted for the three open board positions, please do so as our election ends on Tuesday, October 15.PMIGLC Recognized for Chapter Member SatisfactionDuring the PMI annual Leadership Institute Meeting, the Great Lakes Chapter was recognized for a Chapter Member Satisfaction result score of 76%. We are grateful for this award and we will continue to strive for 100%. We would like to thank our many volunteers some of which are pictured below and all our 2,000+ chapter members.
Sean McConnell, BA PMPPresident, PMI Great Lakes Chapter
Monthly Meeting & Networking Forum
Monthly Dinner Meeting
November 18 ⋅ 5 pm - 8 pm
More details to be announced soon!
Professional Development Opportunities
2019 Annual Professional Development Day
October 25 ⋅ 8 am - 5 pm
"Crossing the Bridge Between Waterfall and Agile"
Presentation: Agile Management Coaching: Effective Delegation & Coaching Skills For Busy Leaders
Transformation, innovation, and rapid change is the new normal for most businesses today. In order to keep up, many businesses have adopted Agile methodologies from IT and applied them to HR and management practices. It has become a strategic necessity for managers to develop talent quickly and be responsive to market demands.
Gain understanding and experience of how to coach and manage direct reports around challenging behavioral issues. Learn the art of giving and receiving feedback for improvement. Participants will learn the responsibility of delegation. Help increase engagement in team members through empowering them to learn and grow in their positions. Avoid taking on the responsibilities of your team and learn why this is a challenge for many leaders. You will have the opportunity to practice these skills in response to common behavioral situations in a safe environment, which will give you the confidence to increase your effectiveness immediately.
Presentation: Crossing the Bridge … From Waterfall to Agile
How can your business survive the next 5, 10 or 20 years? Can you continue delivering products and services (i.e. waterfall) as you did in the past? How does Agility impact your business? These are big questions that organizations across the world are addressing with the understanding that change is inevitable. This hands-on workshop will explore some of the mechanics of Agility and how it applies to different kinds of industries. Participants will explore ways to help them become more confident how Agility best applies for their companies.
Whether you are new to Agile or already in the middle of your Agile journey, this session helps you uncover different approaches to launch or even expand Agility within your organization.
PMP®/ CAPM® Certification Exam Prep Classes in Southfield
Saturdays, November 2, 9, 16, and 30 ⋅ 8 am - 4 pm
A four-day, Instructor led, classroom setting PMP® exam preparation course designed to meet the training needs of those wishing to prepare for PMI’s PMP® or CAPM® Certification Exams
The objective of this course is to help participants gain a level of competency required to pass the PMP® and CAPM® certification exam through a review of the concepts and terminology covered in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).
Participants will earn 35 hours of education toward PMI’s exam prerequisite.
Training is based on the PMP Exam Prep textbook by Joseph Phillips 4th Edition (Based on the Sixth edition of PMBOK).
Includes the Joseph Phillips textbook, practice questions and quizzes.
The courses are led by PMP® certified experts working in the field of project management.
Construction Panel Discussion on Quality Management
November 19 ⋅ 7:45 - 9:15 am
“Quality Management for Business Success by a PMP”
This year PMIGLC Corporate Outreach focused on Greater Detroit Area’s Construction Companies. Dr. Hani Emari, PMP is the Director of Corporate Outreach for PMIGLC. He has reached out to many of his colleagues and counterparts to advocate the use of PMI Philosophy and PMBOK framework to enhance their Project Management efforts. The feedback so far is positive on how PMIGLC membership and association helps our businesses. The PMI Outreach team members have shared their experience and knowledge with Corporate Executives. The outcome of the discussions is to continue building a significant, Construction Community at PMIGLC and to host Panel Discussion and Construction Executive Round Table (CERT) events to discuss major challenges faced by the industry and to share Lessons Learned in a collaborative and friendly environment.
It is no surprise to any corporate executive, that excellence in quality retains customers and brings new ones. However, Quality Management in Construction is far more important than just business profitability. For sustainable business success and growth, continuous improvement through a Total Quality Management approach is the key to manage scope, risks, safety, productivity, efficiency, and elimination of rework.
In this panel discussion Dr. Emari will present his recent experience as Project Quality Manager in L.S. Brinker for two of DTE Energy’s projects, managed in association with Barton Malow. He will demonstrate the Quality Management System (developed by benchmarking from DTE AWP, US Army Corps of Engineering CQM, and the PMI Construction Practice Guide)x.
The panelists from Wayne State’s Construction Management Program, DTE Energy, Walbridge, Barton Malow, and SME will critique the system and offer their lessons learned and suggestions for improvement. The outcome of the meeting will be published as PMIGLC Construction Quality Management - Lessons Learned and will be made available for all members to use.
Moylan’s Mulligans for October 20197 Ways to Boost Your Productivity – Part 2
Did you have a chance to read the Moylan’s Mulligans article for September? If not, you should do so. I discussed 3 of 7 Ways to Boost Your Productivity. In this article I will discuss the remaining four ways. All seven are shown on the attached Mind Map.
Continue reading the article.
PMI® News
Join PMI President and CEO, Sunil Prashara at #IPMDay2019 to Learn the Tools to Succeed in Your Career!How PMI Enables New Ways of Working
Key accomplishments: Increased Globalization, Expanded Digitization, and Unprecedented Two-Way Communication with Stakeholders Previewing PMI's Path to become an "association of associations" “Power the Project Economy”
Learn more and register.
Volunteer Spotlight
In This Month's Spotlight - Minimol Mathew
The Volunteer Spotlight reveals the dynamic leadership skills in PMIGLC. Our June, 2019 spotlight volunteer is Minimol Mathew affectionately known as Mini. In 2010, Mini became a member of PMIGLC after successfully receiving her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. Since 2012, Mini has served as PMIGLC’s Director of Academic Outreach group. Mini earned a Master’s degree in Physics from Cochin University of Science & Technology, India. She transitioned her career into Information Technology (IT).
Mini has integrated project management initiatives into educational boundaries throughout Michigan. During Mini’s 15+ years of IT experience and talent she has created workshops for universities, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Mini’s current High School Project initiative is to implement digital badges! (Good Luck) Mini has established PMO offices, and currently she is a Manager for the EPMO Office at Little Caesars Enterprises/Ilitch Holdings.
Mini believes her active volunteerism, networking events and professional development in leadership has made her an assertive leader, coach and mentor. Mini feels that her professional and personal life is enhanced when she gives back to the community. It also allows her to learn about different cultures, meet new people, and share her talents.
PMIGLC is recognized as a national powerhouse within our community. PMIGLC volunteers united as one vessel to successfully host the 2019 Spring Symposium and 2019 LIM (Leadership Institute Meeting) in back to back weekends. We have talented, strong volunteer leaders who create an environment where each volunteer feels empowered to work together for a common goal to meet the purpose of the event and our colleagues.
Congratulations Minimol Mathew, you meet all the qualifications to be PMIGLC’s Volunteer Spotlight woman of the month.
The Volunteer Spotlight reveals the dynamic leadership skills in PMIGLC. Our June, 2019 spotlight volunteer is Minimol Mathew affectionately known as Mini. In 2010, Mini became a member of PMIGLC after successfully receiving her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. Since 2012, Mini has served as PMIGLC’s Director of Academic Outreach group. Mini earned a Master’s degree in Physics from Cochin University of Science & Technology, India. She transitioned her career into Information Technology (IT).
Mini has integrated project management initiatives into educational boundaries throughout Michigan. During Mini’s 15+ years of IT experience and talent she has created workshops for universities, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Mini’s current High School Project initiative is to implement digital badges! (Good Luck) Mini has established PMO offices, and currently she is a Manager for the EPMO Office at Little Caesars Enterprises/Ilitch Holdings.
Mini believes her active volunteerism, networking events and professional development in leadership has made her an assertive leader, coach and mentor. Mini feels that her professional and personal life is enhanced when she gives back to the community. It also allows her to learn about different cultures, meet new people, and share her talents.
PMIGLC is recognized as a national powerhouse within our community. PMIGLC volunteers united as one vessel to successfully host the 2019 Spring Symposium and 2019 LIM (Leadership Institute Meeting) in back to back weekends. We have talented, strong volunteer leaders who create an environment where each volunteer feels empowered to work together for a common goal to meet the purpose of the event and our colleagues.
Congratulations Minimol Mathew, you meet all the qualifications to be PMIGLC’s Volunteer Spotlight woman of the month. You Rock!
The PMI® Great Lakes Chapter just recently reached 2,000 members and we would like to thank all our Chapter Members for your support.
PMIGLC Hits 2000 Member Mark!
The PMI® Great Lakes Chapter just recently reached 2,000 members and we would like to thank all our Chapter Members for your support.
This is an important milestone for the chapter as we celebrate PMI’s 50th anniversary and our chapters 40th. A special thank you to all our volunteers who continue to serve our members with great dedication. We also welcome and encourage our members to get involved and consider becoming a volunteer. There is also an upcoming election for three VP positions in the new year and nominations are open until September 15th, for more information email
You may have noticed that we are throwing a party to celebrate both anniversaries and you’re invited! It’s a free event, we have many things planned for it and yes, there will be cake! If you have never attended a PMIGLC event, please use your PMI account to register and join us on the 16th of October. We are looking forward to celebrating with you.
Sean McConnell, PMPPresident, PMI Great Lakes Chapter
PMIGLC Sponsored Academic Scholarship Awarded to Shanise E. Bell
Shanise E. Bell, MBA, PMP, is this year's recipient of a PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF) scholarship sponsored by PMIGLC. Shanise is currently the Director of Business Transformation at Health Alliance Plan. In her role, she is responsible for leading HAP’s project managers, continuous improvement resources, and corporate trainers. Shanise has over 13 years of experience in Project Management and Delivery. Congratulations, Shanise! View her complete bio.
Monthly Meeting & Networking Forum
Monthly Dinner Meeting
October 14 ⋅ 5 pm - 8 pm
Speaker: Rich WellerArtificial Intelligence (AI) used to only appear in cool science fiction movies, but if any of the recent television commercials or social media posts are any indication – AI is our new reality. There is no doubt, digital disruption is real. It has been cycling through industries at an ever-increasing pace. The project management profession will not be immune to the impacts of AI. So rather than fear the change, project managers should embrace the change. Insight, processes and techniques will be shared in this presentation for navigating the transformation towards a “Smart PMO”.
Professional Development Opportunities
PMIGLC Happy HourSeptember 18 ⋅ 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Eat, Drink & Mingle!
Take a much needed & deserved mid-week break and join your PMIGLC friends and colleagues for appetizers and cocktails at Granite City Food & Brewery in Detroit at the Renaissance Center.
Note: there is a $5 fee for parking, so the event price has been reduced to cover this.
PMP®/ CAPM® Certification Exam Prep Classes in SouthfieldSaturdays, October 5, 12, 19, and 26 ⋅ 8 am - 4 pm
A four-day, Instructor led, classroom setting PMP® exam preparation course designed to meet the training needs of those wishing to prepare for PMI’s PMP® or CAPM® Certification Exams
The objective of this course is to help participants gain a level of competency required to pass the PMP® and CAPM® certification exam through a review of the concepts and terminology covered in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).
Participants will earn 35 hours of education toward PMI’s exam prerequisite.
Training is based on the PMP Exam Prep textbook by Joseph Phillips 4th Edition (Based on the Sixth edition of PMBOK).
Includes the Joseph Phillips textbook, practice questions and quizzes.
The courses are led by PMP® certified experts working in the field of project management.
Join Us as we Celebrate PMI's 50th and PMIGLC's 40th Anniversaries!October 16 ⋅ 5:30 pm - 9 pm
In addition to an anniversary celebration, we'll also be providing opportunities to enhance your career:
Career Counseling provided by Purposeful Pursuits Nonprofit Enterprise
A professional headshot for your resume or social media presence
Expert review of your Linkedin profile
Recruiters who may just have the right new job for you
2019 Annual Professional Development DayOctober 25 ⋅ 8 am - 5 pm
Due to the High Volume of Registrations, we have Decided to Extend our Early Bird Pricing!
"Crossing the Bridge Between Waterfall and Agile"
Presentation: Agile Management Coaching: Effective Delegation & Coaching Skills For Busy Leaders
Transformation, innovation, and rapid change is the new normal for most businesses today. In order to keep up, many businesses have adopted Agile methodologies from IT and applied them to HR and management practices. It has become a strategic necessity for managers to develop talent quickly and be responsive to market demands.
Gain understanding and experience of how to coach and manage direct reports around challenging behavioral issues. Learn the art of giving and receiving feedback for improvement. Participants will learn the responsibility of delegation. Help increase engagement in team members through empowering them to learn and grow in their positions. Avoid taking on the responsibilities of your team and learn why this is a challenge for many leaders. You will have the opportunity to practice these skills in response to common behavioral situations in a safe environment, which will give you the confidence to increase your effectiveness immediately.
Presentation: Crossing the Bridge … From Waterfall to Agile
How can your business survive the next 5, 10 or 20 years? Can you continue delivering products and services (i.e. waterfall) as you did in the past? How does Agility impact your business? These are big questions that organizations across the world are addressing with the understanding that change is inevitable. This hands-on workshop will explore some of the mechanics of Agility and how it applies to different kinds of industries. Participants will explore ways to help them become more confident how Agility best applies for their companies.
Whether you are new to Agile or already in the middle of your Agile journey, this session help you uncover different approaches to launch or even expand Agility within your organization.
Moylan’s Mulligans for September 20197 Ways to Boost Your Productivity – Part 1
Have you ever wished you had more time in a day to get things done? Well, you are not alone!
As a certified Idea/Mind Mapping Instructor and a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), I am always sharing tools and techniques to help individuals and teams achieve their goals.
In this article, “7 Ways to Boost Your Productivity,” I share proven methods you can apply immediately to impact your success at work and home.
Continue reading the article.
PMI® Global Conference is Less Than One Month Away - Register Today!
This year marks PMI’s 50th anniversary. To celebrate, Global Conference will feature a series of live TED talks applauding the achievements of professionals in a constantly disrupted world. That’s on top of our usual combination of cutting-edge education, networking and fun – including PMI’s annual Awards Gala and dinner.. Click here to learn more.
Volunteer Spotlight
In This Month's Spotlight - Minimol Mathew
The Volunteer Spotlight reveals the dynamic leadership skills in PMIGLC. Our June, 2019 spotlight volunteer is Minimol Mathew affectionately known as Mini. In 2010, Mini became a member of PMIGLC after successfully receiving her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. Since 2012, Mini has served as PMIGLC’s Director of Academic Outreach group. Mini earned a Master’s degree in Physics from Cochin University of Science & Technology, India. She transitioned her career into Information Technology (IT).
Mini has integrated project management initiatives into educational boundaries throughout Michigan. During Mini’s 15+ years of IT experience and talent she has created workshops for universities, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Mini’s current High School Project initiative is to implement digital badges! (Good Luck) Mini has established PMO offices, and currently she is a Manager for the EPMO Office at Little Caesars Enterprises/Ilitch Holdings.
Mini believes her active volunteerism, networking events and professional development in leadership has made her an assertive leader, coach and mentor. Mini feels that her professional and personal life is enhanced when she gives back to the community. It also allows her to learn about different cultures, meet new people, and share her talents.
PMIGLC is recognized as a national powerhouse within our community. PMIGLC volunteers united as one vessel to successfully host the 2019 Spring Symposium and 2019 LIM (Leadership Institute Meeting) in back to back weekends. We have talented, strong volunteer leaders who create an environment where each volunteer feels empowered to work together for a common goal to meet the purpose of the event and our colleagues.
Congratulations Minimol Mathew, you meet all the qualifications to be PMIGLC’s Volunteer Spotlight woman of the month.
The Volunteer Spotlight reveals the dynamic leadership skills in PMIGLC. Our June, 2019 spotlight volunteer is Minimol Mathew affectionately known as Mini. In 2010, Mini became a member of PMIGLC after successfully receiving her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. Since 2012, Mini has served as PMIGLC’s Director of Academic Outreach group. Mini earned a Master’s degree in Physics from Cochin University of Science & Technology, India. She transitioned her career into Information Technology (IT).
Mini has integrated project management initiatives into educational boundaries throughout Michigan. During Mini’s 15+ years of IT experience and talent she has created workshops for universities, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Mini’s current High School Project initiative is to implement digital badges! (Good Luck) Mini has established PMO offices, and currently she is a Manager for the EPMO Office at Little Caesars Enterprises/Ilitch Holdings.
Mini believes her active volunteerism, networking events and professional development in leadership has made her an assertive leader, coach and mentor. Mini feels that her professional and personal life is enhanced when she gives back to the community. It also allows her to learn about different cultures, meet new people, and share her talents.
PMIGLC is recognized as a national powerhouse within our community. PMIGLC volunteers united as one vessel to successfully host the 2019 Spring Symposium and 2019 LIM (Leadership Institute Meeting) in back to back weekends. We have talented, strong volunteer leaders who create an environment where each volunteer feels empowered to work together for a common goal to meet the purpose of the event and our colleagues.
Congratulations Minimol Mathew, you meet all the qualifications to be PMIGLC’s Volunteer Spotlight woman of the month. You Rock!
PMIGLC has initiated its elections process for open 2020-2021 Vice President (VP) positions. As a member of the Executive Committee, Vice Presidents maintain a cross-functional strategic focus while providing leadership of their respective Directors and committees.Call for Nomations for PMIGLC Elections
PMIGLC has initiated its elections process for open 2020-2021 Vice President (VP) positions. As a member of the Executive Committee, Vice Presidents maintain a cross-functional strategic focus while providing leadership of their respective Directors and committees.
Each elected 2020 VP will serve from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021. The 2-year VP term enables better acclimation to board operations, as well as increased opportunity to realize the VP's vision in support of the PMIGLC's strategic plan. The annual board transition meeting will also assist newly elected VPs with lessons-learned and other valuable information as they prepare for their term.
For more information about the nomination and election process please email
The following VP offices are open for the upcoming term:
VP of Administration
VP of Finance
VP of Membership
Nominations must be received no later than September 15, 2019.
To be considered a candidate for an open VP position, please complete and return your candidate biography and a digital photo to
Please address all nominations and inquiries to
Monthly Dinner Meeting
September 9 ⋅ 5 pm - 8 pm
Speaker: Dr. Hani Emari, PMP
This year’s topic for PMIGLC is “Project Managers as Champions of Change”. Many managers joined our discussions and asked whether it is best to use a PMP from PMI to lead the change management for improvement in an organization, or an associate from Change Management Association formed in 2009. As the Director of Corporate Outreach, Dr. Emari explains the PMI Philosophy and PMBoK framework for Change Management to improve any situation in any organization. As an example, Dr. Emari will demonstrate the benefit of utilizing a Construction Manager with a PMP certification and discusses the PMI Construction Extension in covering the Improvements and changes needed in the Construction Management Industry.
Professional Development Opportunities
PMP®/ CAPM® Certification Exam Prep Classes in SouthfieldSaturdays, September 7, 14, 21 and 28 ⋅ 8 am - 4 pm
A four-day, Instructor led, classroom setting PMP® exam preparation course designed to meet the training needs of those wishing to prepare for PMI’s PMP® or CAPM® Certification Exams
The objective of this course is to help participants gain a level of competency required to pass the PMP® and CAPM® certification exam through a review of the concepts and terminology covered in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).
Participants will earn 35 hours of education toward PMI’s exam prerequisite.
Training is based on the PMP Exam Prep textbook by Joseph Phillips 4th Edition (Based on the Sixth edition of PMBOK).
Includes the Joseph Phillips textbook, practice questions and quizzes.
The courses are led by PMP® certified experts working in the field of project management.
PMIGLC Happy Hour
September 18 ⋅ 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Eat, Drink & Mingle! Take a much needed & deserved mid-week break and join your PMIGLC friends and colleagues for appetizers and cocktails at Granite City Food & Brewery in Detroit at the Renaissance Center.
Note: there is a $5 fee for parking, so the event price has been reduced to cover this.
Moylan’s Mulligans for August 2019Motivating a Project Team for Success – Setting the Stage
Bo Schembechler, the legendary UM football coach, put his leadership ethos succinctly on the shoulders [pads] of “The Team. The Team. The Team. It’s all about the Team”. The simple secret of Coach Schembechler’s success is counterintuitive to the goal setting mantra of modern management theory. Coach Bo intoned/bellowed “Everyone wants to set goals, but do you have the guts to let your people, not you, set the standards for your team? I did. It works.” (Bo’s Lasting Lessons, 2017) Assembling the right group of people and building them into an effective team requires the right doses of motivation, inspiration and perspiration.This article will address the leadership requirements involved in motivating a project team to success.
Continue reading the article.
PMI® Organizational Agility Conference - September 12, 2019
Help us celebrate this event's 5th anniversary! The PMI® Organizational Agility Conference returns bigger and better than ever as we examine Evolving Approaches to Resilient Value Delivery!
Older concepts of change management proposed that organizations freeze in their current state, transform and then come out into a new state of being. In today’s VUCA world (one filled with volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity), organizations do not have the luxury to stand still while they change. And in some organizations and industries, the “new state of being” may last only a couple of years. Click here to learn more.
Volunteer Spotlight
In This Month's Spotlight - Minimol Mathew
The Volunteer Spotlight reveals the dynamic leadership skills in PMIGLC. Our June, 2019 spotlight volunteer is Minimol Mathew affectionately known as Mini. In 2010, Mini became a member of PMIGLC after successfully receiving her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. Since 2012, Mini has served as PMIGLC’s Director of Academic Outreach group. Mini earned a Master’s degree in Physics from Cochin University of Science & Technology, India. She transitioned her career into Information Technology (IT).
Mini has integrated project management initiatives into educational boundaries throughout Michigan. During Mini’s 15+ years of IT experience and talent she has created workshops for universities, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Mini’s current High School Project initiative is to implement digital badges! (Good Luck) Mini has established PMO offices, and currently she is a Manager for the EPMO Office at Little Caesars Enterprises/Ilitch Holdings.
Mini believes her active volunteerism, networking events and professional development in leadership has made her an assertive leader, coach and mentor. Mini feels that her professional and personal life is enhanced when she gives back to the community. It also allows her to learn about different cultures, meet new people, and share her talents.
PMIGLC is recognized as a national powerhouse within our community. PMIGLC volunteers united as one vessel to successfully host the 2019 Spring Symposium and 2019 LIM (Leadership Institute Meeting) in back to back weekends. We have talented, strong volunteer leaders who create an environment where each volunteer feels empowered to work together for a common goal to meet the purpose of the event and our colleagues.
Congratulations Minimol Mathew, you meet all the qualifications to be PMIGLC’s Volunteer Spotlight woman of the month.
The Volunteer Spotlight reveals the dynamic leadership skills in PMIGLC. Our June, 2019 spotlight volunteer is Minimol Mathew affectionately known as Mini. In 2010, Mini became a member of PMIGLC after successfully receiving her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. Since 2012, Mini has served as PMIGLC’s Director of Academic Outreach group. Mini earned a Master’s degree in Physics from Cochin University of Science & Technology, India. She transitioned her career into Information Technology (IT).
Mini has integrated project management initiatives into educational boundaries throughout Michigan. During Mini’s 15+ years of IT experience and talent she has created workshops for universities, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Mini’s current High School Project initiative is to implement digital badges! (Good Luck) Mini has established PMO offices, and currently she is a Manager for the EPMO Office at Little Caesars Enterprises/Ilitch Holdings.
Mini believes her active volunteerism, networking events and professional development in leadership has made her an assertive leader, coach and mentor. Mini feels that her professional and personal life is enhanced when she gives back to the community. It also allows her to learn about different cultures, meet new people, and share her talents.
PMIGLC is recognized as a national powerhouse within our community. PMIGLC volunteers united as one vessel to successfully host the 2019 Spring Symposium and 2019 LIM (Leadership Institute Meeting) in back to back weekends. We have talented, strong volunteer leaders who create an environment where each volunteer feels empowered to work together for a common goal to meet the purpose of the event and our colleagues.
Congratulations Minimol Mathew, you meet all the qualifications to be PMIGLC’s Volunteer Spotlight woman of the month. You Rock!
PMIGLC will soon initiate its elections process for open Vice President (VP) positions. As a member of the Executive Committee, Vice Presidents maintain a cross-functional strategic focus while providing leadership of their respective Directors and committees.
Call for Nomations to Begin Soon for PMIGLC Elections
PMIGLC will soon initiate its elections process for open Vice President (VP) positions. As a member of the Executive Committee, Vice Presidents maintain a cross-functional strategic focus while providing leadership of their respective Directors and committees.
Each elected VP will serve from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021.
The two-year VP term enables better acclimation to board operations, as well as increased opportunity to realize the VP's vision in support of the GLC strategic plan. The annual board transition meeting will also assist newly elected VPs with lessons-learned and other valuable information as they prepare for their term. Please watch your email as more details are announced.
Monthly Dinner Meeting
No monthly dinner meetings will be held in July and August.
Professional Development Opportunities
PMIGLC PMIGLC 5th Annual Golf Outing/Networking EventAugust 10 ⋅ 7:30 am - 3:00 pm
Scramble style – All Skill Levels (Newbie to Expert) Welcome!
Partner with friends or be assigned to a group
Lunch, dinner and drinks provided by Camp Ticonderoga
Contests and prizes!
Fun Networking Opportunity
Volunteers needed
PMP®/ CAPM® Certification Exam Prep Classes in SouthfieldSaturdays, September 7, 14, 21 and 28 ⋅ 8 am - 4 pm
A four-day, Instructor led, classroom setting PMP® exam preparation course designed to meet the training needs of those wishing to prepare for PMI’s PMP® or CAPM® Certification Exams
The objective of this course is to help participants gain a level of competency required to pass the PMP® and CAPM® and certification exam through a review of the concepts and terminology covered in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).
Participants will earn 35 hours of education toward PMI’s exam prerequisite.
Training is based on the PMP Exam Prep textbook by Joseph Phillips 4th Edition (Based on the Sixth edition of PMBOK).
Includes the Joseph Phillips textbook, practice questions and quizzes.
The courses are led by PMP® certified experts working in the field of project management.
Moylan’s Mulligans for July 2019
Recapping by Mind Mapping
Mind mapping is a whole-brain tool that allows you to use your brain more effectively and efficiently. It is a method of using pictures, colors, and keywords to help you organize your thoughts and execute your vision.
Whether you use mind mapping for personal or professional reasons, I believe it will make a difference in your organizational and communication skills.
Continue reading the article.
PMI® News
Call for PMBOK® Guide—Seventh Edition Development & Review Team MembersPMI is announcing its call for volunteers for those who would like to participate in the development of the PMBOK® Guide—Seventh Edition. We are now looking for volunteers to be part of both the Development Team and Review Team for the latest edition.
Access the Volunteer Relationship Management System (VRMS) at now to read more about this opportunity. This opportunity is open to potential volunteers until 19 July 2019. Click here to learn more.
Volunteer Spotlight
In This Month's Spotlight - Minimol Mathew
The Volunteer Spotlight reveals the dynamic leadership skills in PMIGLC. Our June, 2019 spotlight volunteer is Minimol Mathew affectionately known as Mini. In 2010, Mini became a member of PMIGLC after successfully receiving her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. Since 2012, Mini has served as PMIGLC’s Director of Academic Outreach group. Mini earned a Master’s degree in Physics from Cochin University of Science & Technology, India. She transitioned her career into Information Technology (IT).
Mini has integrated project management initiatives into educational boundaries throughout Michigan. During Mini’s 15+ years of IT experience and talent she has created workshops for universities, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Mini’s current High School Project initiative is to implement digital badges! (Good Luck) Mini has established PMO offices, and currently she is a Manager for the EPMO Office at Little Caesars Enterprises/Ilitch Holdings.
Mini believes her active volunteerism, networking events and professional development in leadership has made her an assertive leader, coach and mentor. Mini feels that her professional and personal life is enhanced when she gives back to the community. It also allows her to learn about different cultures, meet new people, and share her talents.
PMIGLC is recognized as a national powerhouse within our community. PMIGLC volunteers united as one vessel to successfully host the 2019 Spring Symposium and 2019 LIM (Leadership Institute Meeting) in back to back weekends. We have talented, strong volunteer leaders who create an environment where each volunteer feels empowered to work together for a common goal to meet the purpose of the event and our colleagues.
Congratulations Minimol Mathew, you meet all the qualifications to be PMIGLC’s Volunteer Spotlight woman of the month.
The Volunteer Spotlight reveals the dynamic leadership skills in PMIGLC. Our June, 2019 spotlight volunteer is Minimol Mathew affectionately known as Mini. In 2010, Mini became a member of PMIGLC after successfully receiving her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. Since 2012, Mini has served as PMIGLC’s Director of Academic Outreach group. Mini earned a Master’s degree in Physics from Cochin University of Science & Technology, India. She transitioned her career into Information Technology (IT).
Mini has integrated project management initiatives into educational boundaries throughout Michigan. During Mini’s 15+ years of IT experience and talent she has created workshops for universities, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Mini’s current High School Project initiative is to implement digital badges! (Good Luck) Mini has established PMO offices, and currently she is a Manager for the EPMO Office at Little Caesars Enterprises/Ilitch Holdings.
Mini believes her active volunteerism, networking events and professional development in leadership has made her an assertive leader, coach and mentor. Mini feels that her professional and personal life is enhanced when she gives back to the community. It also allows her to learn about different cultures, meet new people, and share her talents.
PMIGLC is recognized as a national powerhouse within our community. PMIGLC volunteers united as one vessel to successfully host the 2019 Spring Symposium and 2019 LIM (Leadership Institute Meeting) in back to back weekends. We have talented, strong volunteer leaders who create an environment where each volunteer feels empowered to work together for a common goal to meet the purpose of the event and our colleagues.
Congratulations Minimol Mathew, you meet all the qualifications to be PMIGLC’s Volunteer Spotlight woman of the month. You Rock!
I often heard the quote “Good Things Happen When You Get Involved with PMI,” and I think our chapter has experienced that over the last 3-4 weeks. Besides hosting our very successful 18th Annual Spring Symposium, we were also the host of the PMI Region4 LIM the following weekend.
PMIGLC Hosts Region 4 Leadership Institute Meeting
Sean McConnell, PMIGLC President
I often heard the quote “Good Things Happen When You Get Involved with PMI,” and I think our chapter has experienced that over the last 3-4 weeks. Besides hosting our very successful 18th Annual Spring Symposium, we were also the host of the PMI Region4 LIM the following weekend.
PMI brought its Leadership Institute Meeting to Detroit, where PMIGLC hosted leaders from 24 PMI chapters representing six states at the Ren Cen in downtown Detroit. These are people with a serious passion for project management, and a common interest to lead the sharing of that passion with other chapters. Not to mention they got to experience downtown, including a ride on the people mover to the Punch Bowl Social where we hosted a fun night of dinner and games. People were impressed with the city and moreover the amazing job our chapter performed with the planning, venue, food, accommodations and entertainment.
As a chapter, it gave us a great opportunity to expose our team, including several new volunteers to other chapters and leaders from PMI. Several great lessons and network opportunities were shared. Many thanks for our large team of volunteers and special thanks to our project team led by PM’s Neil Goldman and Nick Beneker – Great Job Everyone!
Monthly Dinner Meeting
No monthly dinner meetings will be held in July and August.
Professional Development Opportunities
PMP®/ CAPM® Certification Exam Prep Classes Summer in Detroit, Fall in Southfield
Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 20 - July 16 ⋅ 5:30 - 9:30 pmSaturdays, September 7, 14, 21 and 28 ⋅ 8 am - 4 pm
A four-day, Instructor led, classroom setting PMP® exam preparation course designed to meet the training needs of those wishing to prepare for PMI’s PMP® or CAPM® Certification Exams
The objective of this course is to help the participants gain a level of competency required to pass the PMP® and CAPM® and certification exam through a review of the concepts and terminology covered in the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).
Participants will earn 35 hours of education toward PMI’s exam prerequisite.
Training is based on the PMP Exam Prep textbook by Joseph Phillips 4th Edition (Based on the Sixth edition of PMBOK).
Includes the Joseph Phillips textbook, practice questions and quizzes.
The courses are led by PMP® certified experts working in the field of project management.
PMIGLC Happy Hour/Social Networking
July 10 ⋅ 5:00 - 8:00 pmEat, Drink & Mingle! Take a much needed & deserved mid-week break and join your PMIGLC friends and colleagues for appetizers and cocktails at Camp Ticonderoga in Troy.
PMIGLC PMIGLC 5th Annual Golf Outing/Networking Event
August 10 ⋅ 7:30 am - 3:00 pm
Scramble style – All Skill Levels (Newbie to Expert) Welcome!
Partner with friends or be assigned to a group
Lunch, dinner and drinks provided by Camp Ticonderoga
Contests and prizes!
Fun Networking Opportunity
Volunteers needed
Moylan’s Mulligans for June 2019Ethics in Project Management: The Freeman vs. Friedman Views on Integrity in Construction Bidding
Within the construction industry – a fractionalized group of specialty companies that work on temporary projects, executing their services though short-term contracts and temporary partnerships – the bidding process can lead to many complex questions.
When addressing this issue, appropriate business ethics and proper professional conduct in construction requires an understanding of the motivations of the parties involved. To do so, the views of business gurus Friedman and Freeman -- on the rolesof the corporation -- provide a suitable benchmark. The discussion of the enterprise as held by Milton Friedman versus that of R. E. Freeman centers on the roles of those involved; specifically, a purist focus on the “stockholders as owner” view versus thevariety of “enterprise stakeholders” view.
Continue reading the article.
PMI® News
PMI® and Pearson VUE Partner to Deliver Full Fuite of Certification Exams in over 5000 LocationsPMI and Pearson VUE, a global leader in the computer-based testing industry, have announced an expanded, multi-year agreement that will offer more testing options for candidates looking to earn PMI certifications at all stages of their career. The new agreement will offer candidates access to even more PMI certification tests as well as more flexibility in their testing location options, thanks to Pearson VUE’s global network of testing centers and online proctoring solutions. Learn more.
Congratulations Minimol Mathew, you meet all the qualifications to be PMIGLC’s Volunteer Spotlight woman of the month.
The Volunteer Spotlight reveals the dynamic leadership skills in PMIGLC. Our June, 2019 spotlight volunteer is Minimol Mathew affectionately known as Mini. In 2010, Mini became a member of PMIGLC after successfully receiving her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. Since 2012, Mini has served as PMIGLC’s Director of Academic Outreach group. Mini earned a Master’s degree in Physics from Cochin University of Science & Technology, India. She transitioned her career into Information Technology (IT).
Mini has integrated project management initiatives into educational boundaries throughout Michigan. During Mini’s 15+ years of IT experience and talent she has created workshops for universities, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Mini’s current High School Project initiative is to implement digital badges! (Good Luck) Mini has established PMO offices, and currently she is a Manager for the EPMO Office at Little Caesars Enterprises/Ilitch Holdings.
Mini believes her active volunteerism, networking events and professional development in leadership has made her an assertive leader, coach and mentor. Mini feels that her professional and personal life is enhanced when she gives back to the community. It also allows her to learn about different cultures, meet new people, and share her talents.
PMIGLC is recognized as a national powerhouse within our community. PMIGLC volunteers united as one vessel to successfully host the 2019 Spring Symposium and 2019 LIM (Leadership Institute Meeting) in back to back weekends. We have talented, strong volunteer leaders who create an environment where each volunteer feels empowered to work together for a common goal to meet the purpose of the event and our colleagues.
Congratulations Minimol Mathew, you meet all the qualifications to be PMIGLC’s Volunteer Spotlight woman of the month. You Rock!
PMIGLC would like to thank everyone who attended this year's 18th Annual Spring Symposium, “Project Managers as Champions of Change.” This year, we had almost 550 registered attendees, and we appreciate everyone's time and effort in making this chapter event successful. PMIGLC Hosts Another Successful Symposium
PMIGLC would like to thank everyone who attended this year's 18th Annual Spring Symposium, “Project Managers as Champions of Change.” This year, we had almost 550 registered attendees, and we appreciate everyone's time and effort in making this chapter event successful.
Special thanks to our keynote speaker Skip Weisman (pictured above), our closing keynote speaker April Callis-Birchmeier, and all of our break-out session speakers. We would also like to thank our Platinum Sponsors DTE Energy and Judge Group, our Gold Sponsor IIL, and our Silver Sponsors Strategic Staffing Solutions and Marvel Technologies. Our PMIGLC chapter members will have their PDUs uploaded for them and members also have access to the presentations from our website.
View more photos from this year's Symposium.
Monthly Meeting & Networking Forum
June Monthly Dinner Meeting
Many construction managers believe that it is not necessary to become a Project Management Professional (PMP)® since they have already mastered project management while running construction projects. Professionals in the construction industry have to deal with project managers from many different disciplines. This presentation will help project managers better understand how the PMBOK® Guide framework helps their business and their professionalism in dealing with project managers from other disciplines. Although the discussion is from a construction project management professional perspective, the findings will be beneficial to PMPs of any multi-disciplinary industry.
Professional Development Opportunities
PMIGLC Happy Hour/Social Networking
May 22 ⋅ 5- 8 pm
Eat, drink and mingle! Take a much needed & deserved mid-week break and join your PMIGLC friends and colleagues for appetizers and cocktails at Craft Breww City at 27843 Orchard Lake Rd., Farmington Hills.
PMP®/ CAPM® Certification Exam Prep Classes - Fall 2019 - Southfield
Saturdays, September 7, 14, 21 and 28 ⋅ 8 am - 4 pm
A four-day, Instructor led, classroom setting PMP® exam preparation course designed to meet the training needs of those wishing to prepare for PMI’s PMP® or CAPM® Certification Exams.
The objective of this course is to help the participants gain a level of competency required to pass the PMP® and CAPM® and certification exam through a review of the concepts and terminology covered in the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).
Participants will earn 35 hours of education toward PMI’s exam prerequisite.
Training is based on the PMP Exam Prep textbook by Joseph Phillips 4th Edition (Based on the Sixth edition of PMBOK).
Includes the Joseph Phillips textbook, practice questions and quizzes.
The courses are led by PMP® certified experts working in the field of project management.
Moylan’s Mulligans for May 2019
Courage - A Key Characteristic of a Mentee
Last month, Dr. Bill shared the dos of effective mentoring. This month I will discuss courage as a key characteristic needed for a mentee.
Defining Courage
Courage can be defined in many ways:
Courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.
Courage is standing up for your rights and what is right.
Courage is the ability to expand your horizons by leaving your comfort zone.
The ideal mentor – mentee relationship occurs when the mentee chooses the mentor. A mentee needs courage to push past their fears and ask for what is needed to succeed. Do you have courage or are you talking yourself out of taking action?
“You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.” - William Faulkner
Continue reading the article.
PMI® News
PMI® and Pearson VUE Partner to Deliver Full Fuite of Certification Exams in over 5000 Locations PMI and Pearson VUE, a global leader in the computer-based testing industry, have announced an expanded, multi-year agreement that will offer more testing options for candidates looking to earn PMI certifications at all stages of their career. The new agreement will offer candidates access to even more PMI certification tests as well as more flexibility in their testing location options, thanks to Pearson VUE’s global network of testing centers and online proctoring solutions.
Learn more. PMIGLC to Celebrate Its 40th Anniversary
The PMI Great Lakes Chapter is excited to welcome Caterina La Tona, Immediate Past Chair and a Director of PMI's 2019 Board of Directors, to our 18th Annual Spring Symposium to help us celebrate our chapter's 40th Anniversary.
Please join us during lunch at the Symposium to take part in the celebration!
Monthly Meeting & Networking Forum
May Monthly Dinner Meeting
Surveys of data professionals showed that 40% of them spent over 20 hours per week preparing data, while only 12% of executives understood the impact of data on their organizations.
Imagine spending 50% to 80% less time in the grunt work of preparing data in Excel and PowerPoint, while making a bigger impact with data, and delivering insights from data that executives actually understand.
Artificial Intelligence-augmented state-of-the-art data analytics technologies like Microsoft Power BI empower regular business users to get more value from data analytics, faster. In this session, participants will learn how to leverage Artificial Intelligence and advanced analytics capabilities to support the management needs of project managers, portfolio managers and resource managers, by arranging data to support timely decision making, from the perspectives of Individual Projects, Portfolio of projects and the organization’s resources.
Increase your data analytics productivity, and elevate your business impact through self-service big data analytics:
AI Augmented data analysis and Data Science-lite.
Data Collaboration Apps
Automation of manual data analysis processes that are performed in Excel and PowerPoint today.
Lenzy Petty, Jr, is the founder of Data Analytics Technology Advantage LLC, a firm that specializes in deployment and training of state-of-the-art data analytics technologies that enable line of business professionals, who are not IT professionals or data scientists, to get more value from their data, in far less time.
Professional Development Opportunities
Spring Symposium 2019 ⋅ "Project Managers as Champions of Change"
Friday, April 26, 2019 • 8 AM - 5 PM
The PMIGLC 2019 Spring Symposium “Project Managers as Champions of Change” is an educational and networking forum that provides a platform for the best minds in academia and industry to share the latest developments and advancements in the field of project management. The offerings this year include keynote speakers and a choice of presentations covering various topics. Previous Symposiums have been highly successful sold out events with management practitioners attending from numerous Midwestern states and Canada.
Take advantage of earlybird pricing!
PMI & PMIGLC Members: $275USD
Non-Members: $345 USD
PMP®/ CAPM® Certification Exam Prep Classes - Spring 2019 - Southfield
Saturdays, May 11, 18, June 1, and June 8 ⋅ 8 am - 4 pm
A four-day, Instructor led, classroom setting PMP® exam preparation course designed to meet the training needs of those wishing to prepare for PMI’s PMP® or CAPM® Certification Exams.
The objective of this course is to help the participants gain a level of competency required to pass the PMP® and CAPM® and certification exam through a review of the concepts and terminology covered in the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).
Participants will earn 35 hours of education toward PMI’s exam prerequisite.
Training is based on the PMP Exam Prep textbook by Joseph Phillips 4th Edition (Based on the Sixth edition of PMBOK).
Includes the Joseph Phillips textbook, practice questions and quizzes.
The courses are led by PMP® certified experts working in the field of project management.
Moylan’s Mulligans for April 2019
Mentoring – Your Opportunity to Cultivate the Next Generation
In the mid-1980’s, then mega-star Michael Jackson asked Berry Gordy, the founder of Motown Records, how he could be give back to the music and entertainment industry. Barry advised Michael to find a promising singer / entertainer and help them become a bigger star than he had become. Barry encouraged Michael to become a mentor to this promising protégé. Powerful stuff mentoring – making someone more successful than yourself. What a great way to leave a lasting, impactful legacy.
Great leaders cultivate and nurture group members into great team members and future leaders. Mentoring another individual is a personally rewarding and a professionally challenging experience. You have the opportunity to apply the lessons you have learned from the work you have done. Sharing your life lessons on what you did right, not so right, and, maybe downright stupid, with another benefits both the mentee and the mentor. The individual serving as the mentor will learn about themselves [personal introspection] as they advise their protégé. The perspectives of “been there / done that” and “don’t make that mistake / better do this” are invaluable.
Getting Started
Getting started requires a personal self-assessment. The interested mentor needs to know how to help a protégé set personal and/or professional goals. The mentor needs to feel confident in the role of mentor and in their ability to overcome the potential challenges of mentoring. A mentor is required to actively listen and communicate effectively. Do you fit the bill? The effective mentor needs to actively engage with a protégé to help them meet their goals, personal and/or professional, without asserting themselves like a boss, coach or stakeholder. The mentor must understand their role in assisting their protégé / mentee in their planning, executing, understanding and evaluating their identified goals.
People learn a great deal from others by observing how they behave. Mentoring can be an ongoing responsibility, or, a role you fill from time to time. The mentor serves as a role model to the mentee; their words and actions much be in alignment. It cannot be – “do as I say, not as I do.” The most effective mentors are models of the behaviors and levels of achievement that their protégés are working to achieve. To serve properly in their role, the mentor needs to do the following key things - be available, set boundaries, and, listen effectively. Let’s discuss each.
Be Available
A mentor must devote time in order to get to know and help their protégés. It is up to the mentor and protégé how much time they agree to spend together during a mentoring relationship. At a minimum, a mentor must spend two hours per month with their protégé. How that time is organized is up to the mentor and their mentee. Though two hours is suggested, regular communication above the minimum will support the development of a positive mentoring partnership.
Set Boundaries
Setting clear boundaries for the mentoring partnership at the beginning is essential. It is advised for both parties to communicate their availability as well as their preferred methods of communication and contact. If you are serving as the mentor, be sure to ask your protégé / mentee for the same information. For example, if you prefer to be contacted via email between meetings, let your protégé know at the onset of the relationship. Make note of your protégé’s preferences and honor them. Discuss your responsibilities as a mentor with your protégé and share your view of their responsibilities. Be clear about what you can and cannot do in your role and give your protégé an opportunity to do the same. Share your expectations about confidentiality and any other issues that are important to you.
Listen Effectively
Listening is a powerful skill. Simply listening can often be enough to help a protégé work through any challenges she/he is facing. The mentor should give their mentee the opportunity to tell the mentor what they need before beginning to give direct advice. Active listening is a way of listening that is more than sitting back and absorbing what another person says. It is the process of hearing, understanding, and repeating back what one has heard. For example, the protégé / mentee may share that they are to give a major presentation for their project in a few weeks. The mentor could respond with, “I understand that you want to practice your speech with me by next month?” This type of exchange allows the speaker to hear their own thoughts restated; it creates an easy opportunity for clarification and understanding. Additionally, it allows both the speaker and listener to learn how the other hears them, and how to more effectively communicate in the future.
Promote Independent Thinking
The mentor supports their protégé as she/he makes their way to achieving their goals. A protégé may ask for advice, and it is reasonable for the mentor to provide it as long as the protégé has the opportunity to come to their own conclusions. Offering advice while still encouraging critical, independent thinking is the best way to help a protégé solve a problem.
The ultimate goal of any mentoring relationship is to build the skills and knowledge of the protégé. As skills and knowledge increase so does confidence. When a protégé asks for advice, it may be more effective for the mentor to share personal stories about similar experiences, either their own or another’s, rather than offering direct suggestions for what the mentee should or must do. By telling a story, the mentor indirectly shares information while allowing their protégé to reach her/his own conclusion. Encouraging protégés to think for themselves involves the mentor to stand back and listen, and, observe more than act. The most effective mentors know when to speak and when to observe without comment. It is imperative for the mentor to give their protégés the space to learn from their own experiences. Mistakes are part of the learning process.
Asking open-ended questions is another excellent strategy for promoting independent thought. It can also help mentors to better understand their protégés goals, motivations, and ideas. An example of an open-ended question is one that begins with who, what, where, when, why, or how.
For example, “How did you feel about the research you accomplished today?” is an effective open-ended question. “Did you finish your research today?” is not. The first question encourages a thoughtful response while the second only requires a simple yes or no to answer. In sum, the mentor is the advisor rather than a coach. The mentor offers advice and suggestions to help the mentee think for themselves. Whereas, a coach focuses on giving clear directions to improve their charge’s performance and/or correct specific actions.
Mentoring can be a professionally rewarding and satisfying experience. I highly encourage you to take the sage advice of Berry Gordy to seek out and then nurture future talent. It will serve you well by serving others.
As always, your comments are welcome.
Best regards, Dr. Bill William A Moylan, PhD, PMP, FESD, DTM Just a PMI Member
PMI® News
PMI® PMO Symposium® 2019 - Call for Presentation Proposals is Open The PMO Symposium 2019 will be held 3-6 November in Denver, Colorado, at the Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center.
The deadline to submit proposals is 3 May 2019. PMIGLC’s Volunteer Spotlight Honoree of the Month, Dr. Ronald Papa! Dr. Papa is our current past President, 2019. He is employed by FCA as a Technical Product Owner. Mr. Papa has over 2 decades of IT Project Management, Support, and Risk Management experience. Dr. Ron Papa is a certified PMP, has a PhD in Management Information Systems, serves as an adjunct instructor for Baker College, and currently teaches Project Management at Oakland University. WowPMIGLC’s Volunteer Spotlight Honoree of the Month, Dr. Ronald Papa!
Dr. Papa is our current past President, 2019. He is employed by FCA as a Technical Product Owner. Mr. Papa has over 2 decades of IT Project Management, Support, and Risk Management experience. Dr. Ron Papa is a certified PMP, has a PhD in Management Information Systems, serves as an adjunct instructor for Baker College, and currently teaches Project Management at Oakland University. Wow!More Importantly, Dr. Papa has served and volunteered as PMIGLC President and other vital roles within the chapter, which has led to understanding our members and their needs. Dr. Papa’s powerful leadership and listening skills put PMIGLC on the map to hire volunteers in a variety of talent, which is rapidly growing. Dr. Papa contributes the PMIGLC volunteer experience prepared him for dynamic leadership roles, like hosting the 2019 PMI Region 4 LIM event. He states the PMIGLC experience is inspiring because his growth for opportunities are limitless. Dr. Papa, Congratulations for being our PMIGLC Volunteer Spotlight of the Month. You Rock!
Monthly Meeting & Networking Forum
April Monthly Dinner Meeting
All of us are hit with a large number of distractions every single day, every single hour of work. There are multiple information sources that compete for our attention, e.g. work email, personal email, phone calls, text, LinkedIn, Social Media, News, Professional and subject matter updates, Amazon shopping, Banking, wild goose chases on Google…
How do we keep our heads up in this deluge of information and keep on ticking, maintaining our focus? What are some of tips and techniques, and tools we can use in this area?
This will not be a conventional presentation; it is planned as an interactive session with ideas solicited from the audience. Together, we can come up with some practical suggestions we can implement in our lives that makes all our lives easier.
In addition, the presenter would like to recruit some volunteers to serve as panelists (If you are interested in serving as a panelist, please get in touch with the presenter ).
Tips on planning your day
Tips on focussing on work and avoiding distractions
Tips on managing email
Professional Development Opportunities
Spring Symposium 2019 ⋅ "Project Managers as Champions of Change"
Friday, April 26, 2019 • 8 AM - 5 PM
The PMIGLC 2019 Spring Symposium “Project Managers as Champions of Change” is an educational and networking forum that provides a platform for the best minds in academia and industry to share the latest developments and advancements in the field of project management. The offerings this year include keynote speakers and a choice of presentations covering various topics. Previous Symposiums have been highly successful sold out events with management practitioners attending from numerous Midwestern states and Canada.
Take advantage of earlybird pricing!PMI & PMIGLC Members: $275USDNon-Members: $345 USD
PMP®/ CAPM® Certification Exam Prep Classes - Spring 2019 - Southfield
Saturdays, April 6, 13, 27 and May 4 ⋅ 8 am - 4 pm
A four-day, Instructor led, classroom setting PMP® exam preparation course designed to meet the training needs of those wishing to prepare for PMI’s PMP® or CAPM® Certification Exams
The objective of this course is to help the participants gain a level of competency required to pass the PMP® and CAPM® and certification exam through a review of the concepts and terminology covered in the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).
Participants will earn 35 hours of education toward PMI’s exam prerequisite.
Training is based on the PMP Exam Prep textbook by Joseph Phillips 4th Edition (Based on the Sixth edition of PMBOK).
Includes the Joseph Phillips textbook, practice questions and quizzes.
The courses are led by PMP® certified experts working in the field of project management.
Moylan’s Mulligans for March 2019
Time Management Tips for Champions of Change
There is a saying that, “nothing changes, if nothing changes.” How can you be a champion of change, as the PMIGLC 2019 Spring Symposium theme encourages you to do, if you don’t manage your time and priorities well? You can’t. Nor can you volunteer your time and talents to non-profit organizations as Dr. Bill and I have been encouraging you to do.
For this reason, in this article, I will focus on time management tips that will help you focus on the people and issues that matter most!
Time Management Tips
Focus on one task at a time. Do it well, then switch to another task. Multitasking is a myth.
Create a prioritized "to do" list the night before. Focus on the top three items that need to be completed. Leave room in your day for the unexpected.
Constantly ask yourself, "Is this the best use of my time?" Understand your circadian rhythm (body clock). Know during what time of day you have your most energy. Work on your most challenging tasks/projects at that time. Brian Tracy, author of "Eat That Frog" says do that hard thing first and get it over with. Imagine how you will feel when that item is off your plate!
Create a time log and evaluate how you are spending your day. You might be surprised by how often you are interrupted or distracted.
Make a plan to accomplish your tasks and goals. Then follow it. Remember to break your project down into bite-sized pieces to avoid feeling overwhelmed. A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a valuable tool to use, so use it.
Know your strengths and weaknesses. Be willing to delegate when possible.
Use Mind Mapping to get all of those ideas out of your head and onto paper.
Reframe Your Life in 5 Seconds
“Reframe Your Life in 5 Seconds” is the title of an article in the March 2019 Toastmaster Magazine. In the article, Mel Robbins shares the 5-second rule that she says can have a profound impact on your productivity and your life. Per Robbins, “neuroscientists have found that people have about a five second gap between a stimulus and the way they respond to it. It’s within that gap that you have the power to change your life.” Here’s how it works. As soon as you make a decision to do something, count backwards from 5 to 1, then immediately take action. Your brain will become more wired for action as you continue this practice!
Your Turn
I have noted several tips and techniques you can use to manage your time and life more effectively. What you do will be up to you. I hope you decide to lead an impactful life by understanding your values and mastering your time to accomplish your goals. I hope you decide to be a champion, in 5-4-3-2-1! Now go!
For more information, contact me at
Lisa Harvey Roach, MM, PMP, ACS, ALBPMIGLC Ambassador to ToastmastersThe PMI Great Lakes Chapter was one of the many organizations sponsoring a special award for some aspect of the competition. For a third year, PMI GLC sponsored the special award for the Best Project Plan. The winner was St. John Lutheran School from, Rochester, Michigan.
PMI Great Lakes Chapter Sponsors “Best Project Plan” Award for 2019 Michigan Regional - Future City Competition
The PMI Great Lakes Chapter was one of the many organizations sponsoring a special award for some aspect of the competition. For a third year, PMI GLC sponsored the special award for the Best Project Plan. The winner was St. John Lutheran School from, Rochester, Michigan.Twenty-four of the 32 student teams completed the four parts of the project plan - - I) goals & objectives statement, II) project schedule, III) weekly project updates, and, IV) project reflection. The PMI GLC judging team included Mustafa Ghadyalio, Cathy Trudeau and Dr. Bill Moylan. Read the complete article.
Best Project Plan Award, PMIGLC, St. John Lutheran School, Rochester
March Monthly Dinner Meeting
*Project Managers drive change not just through facilitating projects to on-budget and on-time delivery, they drive change by educating company leadership on what constitutes effective project management. *Company leadership can hinder the success of a project by failing to do their due diligence prior to project initiation and/or changing baseline priorities with regards to project scope, time and cost once a project has launched. It is the project manager’s responsibility to mitigate this risk up-front in a project by educating company leadership on what constitutes a solid project charter and project management plan.
*Project managers hurt their ability to drive change to facilitate effective project management by failing to use basic tools taught in PMP education that if used could help avoid “management creep” into a project.
Presentation Objectives
Highlight issues caused by company leadership that hinder a project managers performance and what the project manager should do to avoid these issues.
PMP Best Practices that a project manager should use to better educate company leadership on what constitutes effective project management.
Richard Broo, MBA, PMP is the President and Founder of True North PMP Consulting Incorporated. He has been actively involved in the plastics and composites raw materials industry for over 40 years in leadership roles involving, sales, marketing, new product development and operations. He has been president of two plastics companies prior to starting True North PMP Consulting, a company dedicated to teaching the best practices utilized in professional project management, as well as, providing contracted project management services to companies in need of project management expertise. He earned a Masters of Business Administration degree from Walsh College and a Bachelors of Arts degree from Western Maryland College.
Professional Development Opportunities
Volunteer or Submit a Poster Presentation at this Year's Symposium! The word is out to the membership for opportunities to conduct a poster presentation during the breaks at the 2019 Symposium. If you or a colleague would like to present a 10-minute poster presentation on a PM technique, skill, or challenge you faced, sign up by March 1! You will have time to submit your final presentation by the end of March. These are excellent ways to gain exposure with 600+ PM’s for the work you do. View the Call for Poster Presentations.Calling all volunteers!! Please consider taking on a role during the Symposium to help with registration, set up, or breakout room support. We have plenty of things to do. Reach out to Kent Potts or Michele Patera.
Spring Symposium 2019 ⋅ "Project Managers as Champions of Change"
Friday, April 26, 2019 • 8 AM - 5 PM
The PMIGLC 2019 Spring Symposium “Project Managers as Champions of Change” is an educational and networking forum that provides a platform for the best minds in academia and industry to share the latest developments and advancements in the field of project management. The offerings this year include keynote speakers and a choice of presentations covering various topics. Previous Symposiums have been highly successful sold out events with management practitioners attending from numerous Midwestern states and Canada.
Take advantage of earlybird pricing!PMI & PMIGLC Members: $225 USDNon-Members: $280 USD
PMP®/ CAPM® Certification Exam Prep Classes - Spring 2019 - Southfield
Saturdays, March 9, 16, 23 and 30 ⋅ 8 am - 4 pm
A four-day, Instructor led, classroom setting PMP® exam preparation course designed to meet the training needs of those wishing to prepare for PMI’s PMP® or CAPM® Certification Exams
The objective of this course is to help the participants gain a level of competency required to pass the PMP® and CAPM® and certification exam through a review of the concepts and terminology covered in the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).
Participants will earn 35 hours of education toward PMI’s exam prerequisite.
Training is based on the PMP Exam Prep textbook by Joseph Phillips 4th Edition (Based on the Sixth edition of PMBOK).
Includes the Joseph Phillips textbook, practice questions and quizzes.
The courses are led by PMP® certified experts working in the field of project management.
February 20 ⋅ 5 pm - 8 pm
Kick off 2019 with PMIGLC’s first Happy Hour of the year! Join your friends and colleagues for appetizers and cocktails at Craft Breww City in Farmington. Happy Hour cash bar prices available until 6 pm.
Webinar: Future Proof Your Career with the NEW Hard Skills of Leadership
February 18 ⋅ 6:15 pm - 8 pm
This month, PMIGLC is partnering with the PMI-Michigan Huron Valley Chapter to offer the webinar "Future Proof Your Career with the NEW Hard Skills of Leadership" by Colette Pellissier.
Registration will close at noon on February 18.
Registrants will receive an email with the web link access to the webinar shortly after registration closes.Cost is only $15 and PMPs will ean 1.5 PDUs in Leadership.
Submit Your Nominations for a PMI Award
Nominate professionals, organizations, scholars, authors & continuing professional education providers for the profession’s most prestigious achievements. Learn more.
Welcome New Members
Dhruv AlexanderRamesh AnuppattiJames BeauchampMeghan BeaversSusan BennettAndrew BlattJames BrittonRebecca CaronKrista CherniawskyEsalai ClarkDwan Clementin-NashLisa CooperAudrey CroomsBryan DavisJacqueline Davis-BetseraiPeggy DebrowskyBedel DesruisseauxKimberly DonaldsonSheila DugeonEronmonsele EsekhaigbeAlin ForgaciuSuresh GajulaMaria GarciaAmanda GrayAudra GuzickKristen HeyesKelsey HickmanCarolyn HillNicole JacksonChuck JohnsonYashodhan Joshi
Alisha LairdRobert MadisonKinsey MantayMario MartinezSergei MartynenkoMichael McAllisterClare MondalekMussie S. NaizghiMoorthy NarayananStefan NoethKelly OConnorGregory ONealJ.D. OttoAlyssa PeltonSue PiatakNicole RademakerRamesh SangeethamJames SchachtTaylor SearcyDavid SimpsonLucille SmithKenya SoluadeJohn SpaethAnita SpringerLisa StetzMark TillmanMichael Tolomei, Jr.Mahitha VadlamudiGary Zuehlke
Message From the Chapter President: I am extremely honored to start in the role of the President of the Project Management Institute Great Lakes Chapter for 2019, which is our chapter’s 40th anniversary. It has been rewarding for all of us to see our membership grow to nearly 1,900 members and to be recognized by PMI for leading our Region (4) in first year membership retention.
Message From the Chapter President
Dear Members of the PMI Great Lakes Chapter,
I am extremely honored to start in the role of the President of the Project Management Institute Great Lakes Chapter for 2019, which is our chapter’s 40th anniversary. It has been rewarding for all of us to see our membership grow to nearly 1,900 members and to be recognized by PMI for leading our Region (4) in first year membership retention.
I would like to congratulate and welcome our 2019 Board Members, including:
Sean McConnell, BA, PMP - President
Srinivas Pinnamaneni, PMP - President Elect
Dr. Ron Papa, ORM, PhD, PMP - Past President
Rajesh Sivakumar, MS, PMP, ITIL, SCPM - VP Administration
Chris Sharp, PMP - VP Finance
Surya Prakash, PMP - VP Membership
Dr. Ann Skinner, PhD, PMP - VP Outreach
Dana Fix, PMP - VP Communications
Jerry Gusmano, PMP - VP Professional Development
Anthony Amalraj, PMP - VP Marketing
Thanks to our previous board members for their tremendous effort and support over the last year. Special thanks and best wishes to Dr. Bill Moylan and Paul West who will be leaving our board in 2019.
In the new year some our goals include:
Optimize chapter members experience through improvements to our signature events including Symposium and Professional Development Day.
Host the PMI Region 4 Leadership Institute Meeting were chapter board members from 40 chapters from 6 states will meet for a weekend in Detroit with PMI leadership to share ideas, which will offer several volunteer and network opportunities for PMIGLC chapter members.
Ensure dinner meetings have a higher caliber of speakers, introduce a new Southfield and Detroit locations and offer two PDU’s per dinner meeting.
Increase our presence in academic and military communities, increase recruiter involvement and employment opportunities for our members.
Revamp our website to increase functionality – including mobile-friendly website, mobile app, and PayPal options.
Provide PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-RMP and SAFe training.
As we enter our 40th year, we would like to thank our membership for your continued support and would encourage you to become active as a volunteer within our chapter by browsing our volunteer section.
Sean McConnellPresident, PMI Great Lakes
Monthly Meeting & Networking Forum
February Monthly Meeting
Leading Volunteers with FORCE
One of the greatest management and leadership challenges is leading volunteers effectively and efficiently. Volunteers, so it seems, don’t listen to orders, do whatever they want at their own schedule, and can leave at any time, all because they are not paid. However, it is said that volunteers and volunteerism is America at our best. Harnessing the power volunteers and volunteerism can be transformational for any organization if FORCE is applied appropriately. This presentation will address an appropriate way to lead volunteers with great results.
Presentation Objectives
Review the 5 key elements of leading volunteers
Discuss the (non) differences between volunteers and ‘real’ workers
Share a personal story on a major US company requiring their professional employees to volunteer on community service
Three Takeaways
Learn the five key FORCE requirements in leading volunteers
Understand the non-differences between ‘real’ workers and volunteers
Learn the value of volunteering in regards to leadership learning and professional development
Speaker: William A. Moylan, PhD, PMP, FESD, DTM, is an associate professor of construction management at Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA. In addition, he consults, trains and provides expert witness testimony in project management and construction engineering. Dr. Bill has extensive professional experience in all aspects of program and project management, having worked throughout North America, the Middle East andAsia. His project experiences include new product development, quality improvement, computer and information systems, and, facility engineering and construction projects. He has also led and managed projects within the oil and gas production, petroleum, chemical processing, energy, academic, government, public service, automotive and manufacturing industries.
First of all, I would like to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve the Great Lakes Chapter as your VP of Professional Development. We have a great year planned and I’m blessed to be working with high caliber teammates to get the job done.
Thank you for your support in attending our Dinner Meetings. To sweeten the pot a bit, we added an activity during dinner called “Dine & Develop” to allow you to earn 2 PDUs per dinner meeting.
I also wanted to make you aware that you can also earn PDUs via ProjectManagement.Com’s Virtual Events. These are free webinars to members of PMI.
If you are a member of PMI, you have another great resource at your disposal - the monthly magazine PM Network and the supplemental magazine PMI Today. January’s edition of PMI Today has a great article called Navigating the New Normal. This article addresses how we as PM’s can instill a culture of constant change and innovation. Reading these articles is another way to earn PDUs.
See you at our next dinner meeting!
- Jerry Gusmano, PMP, VP Professional Development
Professional Development Opportunities
Spring Symposium 2019 ⋅ "Project Managers as Champions of Change"
Friday, April 26, 2019 • 8 AM - 5 PM
We are back with our 18th Annual Spring Symposium! Each year we have grown and improved with our professionals in mind!
The PMIGLC 2019 Spring Symposium “Project Managers as Champions of Change” is an educational and networking forum that provides a platform for the best minds in academia and industry to share the latest developments and advancements in the field of project management. The offerings this year include keynote speakers and a choice of presentations covering various topics. Previous Symposiums have been highly successful sold out events with management practitioners attending from numerous Midwestern states and Canada.
Take advantage of earlybird pricing!
PMI & PMIGLC Members: $225 USD
Non-Members: $280 USD
PMP®/ CAPM® Certification Exam Prep Classes - Spring 2019 - Southfield
Saturdays, February 9, 16, 23, and March 2 ⋅ 8 am - 4 pm
A four-day, Instructor led, classroom setting PMP® exam preparation course designed to meet the training needs of those wishing to prepare for PMI’s PMP® or CAPM® Certification Exams
The objective of this course is to help the participants gain a level of competency required to pass the PMP® and CAPM® and certification exam through a review of the concepts and terminology covered in the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).
Participants will earn 35 hours of education toward PMI’s exam prerequisite.
Training is based on the PMP Exam Prep textbook by Joseph Phillips 4th Edition (Based on the Sixth edition of PMBOK).
Includes the Joseph Phillips textbook, practice questions and quizzes.
The courses are led by PMP® certified experts working in the field of project management.
PMIGLC Happy Hour
February 20 ⋅ 5 pm - 8 pm
Kick off 2019 with PMIGLC’s first Happy Hour of the year! Join your friends and colleagues for appetizers and cocktails at Craft Breww City in Farmington. Happy Hour cash bar prices available until 6 pm.
Moylan’s Mulligans for January 2019
What Are Your Intentions?
Fear not. I am not going to talk to you about your New Year’s resolutions. You already know that the best way to lose weight is to avoid the chocolate cake! I am going to talk to you about your intentions towards making a difference in the lives of others. I am going to ask you to consider if it is time to change the way you think about volunteerism.
Setting Your Intentions
Intention is defined as a determination to act in a certain way. Do you want to be more or less altruistic in 2019? Setting intentions requires a motivated mindset and an implementable plan. Do you have either?
Students and adults need help with organizing their projects and their lives. People often don’t know what they don’t know. Individuals in schools, churches and other non-profit organizations can benefit greatly by you sharing your project management knowledge with them. You might say, Lisa, I am not comfortable speaking to groups. I would then reply, “volunteer your time in Toastmasters.” In Toastmasters you will improve your communication and leadership skills as well as your confidence. Then you can set an intention to speak to and impact one or many.
Finding Your Passion
I have a passion for helping young children, especially girls, become all they can be. This past June I volunteered to support a Flint in STEM program. It was very rewarding to mentor High School students and to know I made a difference. What are you passionate about? Where would you like to have a positive impact?
Volunteering and Benefiting
The benefits of helping others are many:
A study by Cassie Mogilner of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, showed that people who volunteered their time actually felt like they had more of it.
Another study by Sara Konrath of the University of Michigan showed that people who volunteered for the purpose of helping others, lived longer.
You will feel good by doing good.
Now who doesn’t want more time, more life, and good feelings?
"I encourage you to set your intentions to volunteer your time and talents somewhere this year. “To the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world.” - Dr. Seuss
For more information, contact me at
Lisa Harvey Roach, MM, PMP, ACS, ALB
PMIGLC Ambassador to Toastmasters
Volunteer Spotlight Recognition
Who is Paul West?
PMIGLC’s person of the Month! Mr. West currently volunteers asDirector of Marketing. Prior to this role, Mr. West has served as the Vice President of Marketing, which included Brand Marketing, Sponsorship and Publicity. Mr. West has over 25 years of Project Management and Brand Marketing experience. Since 2014 Mr. West’s energy, integrity and commitment to PMIGLC has been outstanding. During his tenure with PMIGLC he has met other professionals locally in Detroit, as well as, abroad from other countries. His passion for Project Management and talent in Marketing has led to opportunities to promote PMIGLC missions, while using the accumulation of experience to benefit Michigan’s project management community. PMIGLC would like to acknowledge your commitment, dedication and service to our chapter. Because you Rock, you are our Volunteer Spotlight for January, 2019. Thank-You for all you do!
PMI® News
Submit Your Nominations for a PMI Award
Nominate professionals, organizations, scholars, authors & continuing professional education providers for the profession’s most prestigious achievements. Learn more.
Checkout the Webinars Offered on
Register for live and play on-demand webinars on
Welcome New Members
Welcome New Chapter Members Who Joined in December
Jamal Aljahmi
Paul Bastian
LaShone Bedford
Talisa Cohen
Aditya Dattawadkar
Joseph Firmingham
Yolanda Gaines
Eric Hill
Wieslaw Jagustin
Heather King
Subir KumarDan Ling
Craig Lowell
Tamela Peace
Thomas Rodgers
Yvette S. Walters
Balvinder Sehgal
Matt Simic
Scott Smrdel
Michelle Tutt
Tej Valecha