PMIGLC's First Virtual Happy Hour

Power Skills

Do you need an "Ice-O-lation break?"

Join us for PMIGLC's first virtual happy hour!

Where: Our Homes
How: Zoom 
Time: 6-7:30 p.m.
Although we are separated by social-distancing, we would like to break from the isolation and celebrate with our first virtual PMIGLC Ice-O-lation happy hour.  In honor of the Cinco de Mayo month, why not have your leftover tacos from Tuesday, apps of guac and salsa, tortilla chips or your favorite bar food.  Don’t forget your favorite beverage!
6 - 6:10 pm - Get acquainted and entry
6:10 - 6:15 pm - Speaker introduction 
6:15 - 7 pm - Tara Ondusky, a successful corporate project and program manager, will lead our discussion on one thing attendees have learned about the practice of project management during the COVID-19 quarantine and they are encouraged to share one challenge they have had during this quarantine.
7 - 7:30 pm - Trivia
Note:  Registration is now closed.  See you later today at the event.
A link for the Zoom meeting will be emailed to you.  If you have not received this by 4 PM, please email Carla Patrick-Fagan at

Please click here for the Cancellation Policy & Informed Consent Release.

Please click here to read the PMIGL COVID-19 policy for in-person events.  By registering for PMIGL in-person events, you agree to abide by the PMIGL COVID-19 policy.

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Special Events

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: May 20th, 2020

Hour: 6:00PM to 7:30PM

Number of PDUs: 1


Members: Free

Non members: Free
