Join PMI and the Great Lakes Chapter
The easiest way to join both Project Management Institute (PMI.ORG) and the Great Lakes Chapter (PMIGLC.ORG) is online.
Clicking on the links above will take you to the required page. Follow the online instructions pertaining to the membership you wish to obtain. They accept most major credit cards online.
Update your contact information if you are a member (address, phone, email)
If you are currently a PMI member, you can update your demographic information on the PMI website ( by visiting the Members-only section and entering your PMI member ID number and a system assigned password mailed to you when you joined, if you joined. If you need more information to make this work, call PMI at the phone number found on their website.
Benefits of Membership
PMI and Great Lakes Chapter Members can take advantage of a many professional and project Management opportunities.
New benefit for our Members!
PMI Great Lakes is pleased to announce that we have negotiated a site license with that will provide all of our members with full access to the site for a one year.
ProjectBites provides project management education and inspiration in 20-minute video and audio ‘Bites’. As your chapter leaders, we believe this product gives us all a new and unique way to learn.
And most importantly to many of us, all time spent viewing these videos qualifies towards our collection of PDUs. This site has a tracking tools that will track our PDU collection for us.
Content is updated weekly with new and revamped content covering all aspects of our project management and related professions.
In order to access the site under our licence you must login with yout member ID and password and go to the Member Area (in the drop down menu of the Membership area).
If you have any issues, please email the site director, David Barrett at