Military Outreach

Military Outreach Needs Your Help

MilitaryOutreach2021.pngAre you a veteran? Are you on active duty? Do you want to support veterans and active duty service members in enhancing their careers? Then the Great Lakes Chapter Military Outreach Committee wants to talk to you!

Join us in building a new outreach program to help provide important resources for our nation’s warriors. Project Management is a great career path for our service members and veterans, and they need YOUR expertise to assist them.

Areas where you can contribute:

  • PMP® Application Workshops
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Tabling at Military-specific career or education activities
  • Career Advising
  • Networking

If you have any questions, contact Mike Callahan at or Scott Vincent at with the GLC Military Outreach team. 


Did you know, PMIGL has a Military Outreach team, led by Mike Callahan, director? In August 2020 the team:

  1. Published eight episodes on “I Inc and Beyond” podcast focusing on helping Veterans and Returning Citizens, in their transition back into the civilian job market.

  2. Conducted a three-hour Career Planning and Development workshop, where they invited Veterans and others.

    a.  There were close to 20 participants. 

    b.  The team received positive feedback and are considering running the workshop again in October.

  3. Participated in two meetings with Larissa Moran regarding Military Liaisons and Chapter Collaboration Platform.

    a.  Learned about a new PMI wide initiative involving Transitioning Military into different Project Management Roles.

    b.  Met Jay Hicks and Sandy Lawrence, who are authors and leaders of this initiative. The Military Outreach team then interviewed them for the podcast.

    c.  We expect to hear much more from them soon.

    d. Read more in The Transitioning Military – Project Manager by Hicks and Lawrence.

  4. Continued to build relationships with both UM – Dearborn Veteran Affairs Office and the No Veteran Left Behind Office through weekly meetings.

    a.  Plan to run a two-hour workshop in November exclusively for Veterans to discuss possible career opportunities in Project Management.

Interested in learning more and getting involved? Contact Mike Callahan. Thank you to all involved in growing our Military Outreach!